10 Important differences between Cold working and Hot working

Following are the 10 important differences between cold working and hot working Working of metal and alloy below their recrystallization temperature is known as cold working , and working of metal and alloy above their recrystallization temperature is known as hot working . During cold working strain hardening occurs and due to this tensile strength, hardness increases while the impact strength and ductility decreases, whereas, due to hot working strain hardening is removed by recrystallization. Microstructure of cold worked component shows distorted grains, whereas, microstructure of hot worked components shows equiaxed and usually refined grains. Due to cold working defect density increases i.e. vacancies, dislocations, etc. increases and hence the density of material slightly decreases, whereas, due to hot working there is almost no change in defect density of material. Cold working cannot be done indefinitely without cracking of material due to strain hardening, whereas, ho...



Supercooling, also known as undercooling, is the process of lowering the temperature of a liquid or a gas below its freezing point without it becoming a solid. Some of its applications involve refrigeration, organ preservation etc.

Constitutional supercooling, is a type of supercooling which occurs during solidification due to compositional changes, and results in cooling a liquid below the freezing point ahead of the solid–liquid interface. This effect occurs when the temperature gradient in the liquid ahead of the interface is small or when interface velocity is large. Constitutional supercooling leads to the formation of dendritic structure during solidification of casting.

Fig 1.1 Typical casting grain structure

Order of supercooling:

Chill Zone > Columnar Grains Zone > Central Equiaxed

Chill zone has greater supercooling effect because it is formed when molten metal comes in contact with the cold mould walls.

Fig 1.2 The origin of constitutional supercooling ahead of a planar solidification front. (a) Composition profile across the solid/liquid interface during steady-state solidification. The dashed line shows dXL/dx at the S/L interface. (b) The temperature of the liquid ahead of the solidification front follows line h. The equilibrium liquidus temperature for the liquid adjacent to the interface varies as Te. Constitutional supercooling arises when TL lies under the critical gradient.

We know that the diffusion of solute into the liquid during solidification of an alloy is analogous to the conduction of latent heat into the liquid during the solidification of a pure metal. Now observe the steady state transformation as shown in fig 1.2(a), it shows the variation of composition as a function of distance from the solid liquid interface. As a result of varying composition ahead of the solid liquid interface there is a variation in equilibrium solidification temperature i.e liquidus temperature as given by line Te in fig 1.2(b). However, apart from the temperature of the interface, which is fixed by local equilibrium requirements, the actual temperature of the liquid can follow any line such as TL. At the interface TL= Te = T3. If the temperature gradient is less than the critical value shown in Fig 1.2(b) the liquid in front of the solidification front exists below its equilibrium freezing temperature, i.e. it is supercooled. Since the supercooling arises from compositional, or constitutional effects it is known as constitutional supercooling.

                    Microstructure Evolution

Fig 1.3 Constitutional supercooling: a) The phase diagram b) The composition profile in liquid ahead of the interface, c) and d) The temperature profiles ahead of the interface, and e) and f) the profiles of the interface.

Referring to the schematic phase diagram in fig 1.3 a) at temperature T, liquid of composition CL is in equilibrium with solid of composition CS as given by the tie line. During solidification if the interface that separates the solid and liquid phase is at temperature T then the liquid near it will be of composition CL which is greater than the average composition Co of the melt.

Liquid composition decreases with the increase in distance from the interface fig 1.3 b). With the help of the phase diagram the equilibrium liquidus temperature can be plotted as a function of distance, fig 1.3 c) and d). In fig 1.3 c) the actual temperature gradient in the liquid ahead of the interface is such that the liquid at every point is at the temperature above the liquidus temperature for that point. Therefore, there is no supercooling ahead of the interface, which is stable and flat, fig 1.3 e).

Any protrusion that will form is going to feel superheated and will melt back. In fig 1.3 d) the actual temperature profile in the liquid is such that the temperature at every point between x and y is lower than the equilibrium liquidus temperature corresponding to that point. Any protrusions formed in this region feels supercooled and does not melt back.

This type of microstructural evolution leads to formation of two types of microstructures.

1.           Cellular.

2.           Dendritic.

If you need more information regarding mechanisms of formation of cellular 

and dendritic microstructure do comment and let me know, follow the blog so 

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